Print Payroll Checks From Gusto

Pull your payroll checks into Checkeeper for super easy printing- in any format.

Add Gusto

Visit the Add Ons section in your Checkeeper account

Connecting Gusto

1) Log into your Checkeeper account, and click the Addons tab.

2) Click Add Gusto from the listed Add Ons. You will be taken to Gusto to login.

3) Follow the steps inside Gusto to authenticate Checkeeper. You will be redirected back to Checkeeper once finished.

About Gusto

Gusto serves more than 100,000 businesses nationwide. Each year they process tens of billions of dollars of payroll and provide employee benefits—like health insurance and 401(k) accounts—while helping companies create incredible work places. Through one refreshingly easy, integrated platform, Gusto automates and simplifies your payroll, benefits, and HR, all while providing expert support. Gusto offers an exclusive 30-day free trial for Checkeeper customers.

Setting up your payroll template

Checkeeper Gusto payroll template

Printing payroll checks with Checkeeper gives you the option to format your check layout however you wish. We give you a pre-built Gusto template to get things going, but you can always modify to fit your company needs.

Add Gusto Template

1) Click the Templates tab once logged in.

2) Click Create New Template button.

3) Select the pre-built Gusto template from the list.

4) Edit the template to add bank account and routing numbers.

Note: You can add a paystub to any Checkeeper template you wish just by editing the template and adding the {{pay-stub}} element.

Import Gusto payroll checks

Import Gusto payroll checks into Checkeeper

After connecting your Gusto business and setting up your payroll template it's time to print!

1) On your Registry page click Import Gusto Payrolls

2) Click Import Checks for the current pay period.

3) New checks are instantly added to your registry for easy printing.

Need some help?

Importing Gusto payroll checks into Checkeeper is incredibly straightforward and easy, so much so, that we may have left out some details you need clarification on. Reach out to us anytime through live chat or email and we can quickly sort out any issues.

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