Reconcile Bank and Check Records More Efficiently

Oct 4, 2024
Reconcile Bank and Check Records More Efficiently

Online accounts for check printing and mailing help take a lot of time out of tasks that are important, but also routine and laborious. Online check management assists with many aspects of the bookkeeping process, including bank reconciliation. Opening an online account with Checkeeper can enhance the financial management system and make matching bank and check payment records a more accurate, time-efficient process.

Checkeeper helps business owners improve money management. Checkeeper makes reconciling check records with bank statements:


Run clean registry reports in seconds from wherever you are working. Checkeeper automatically records the details of every check created so that users don’t have to. Search the registry according to any check field when you need to research a specific payment, or run a complete list of all check payments printed within a custom time frame so that you can contrast the monthly and quarterly expenses to your bank statements on demand.

More accurate

Thanks to the wide variety of accounting and payroll applications with which Checkeeper can integrate, recording and analyzing financial data can be done more accurately than ever before. Link your compatible online accounting and payroll accounts to Checkeeper so that payment information can be directly imported to create checks. Checkeeper offers bill-to-check conversion with some applications so that unpaid invoices from one account can be directly imported into Checkeeper to create a check with all check fields automatically populated with the right info. Checks to the same vendor are automatically consolidated into a single check payment with an attached invoice table that breaks down the total. This helps keep the bookkeeping more accurate for everyone.

More efficient

Busy offices that have more than one person managing the books benefit from the efficiency online check printing adds to the payment process. Delegate bill-paying by adding multiple authorized users to the Checkeeper account so that Checkeeper can send them a secure invitational link and grant them whatever level of access you have authorized. Limit user permissions to only designated features, and, when necessary, change, expand, or revoke those permissions. Checkeeper also enables workflow approval settings so that large or urgent payments can receive authorized approval before being mailed out. Reports run in Checkeeper will indicate the authorized user who initiated each check so that payments can be more efficiently tracked and reconciled with other statements for greater accountability in the payment process. Need to export a complete history of created checks to share with an accountant for a more thorough review? Checkeeper can have printed or downloaded a comprehensive check registry report in just a few clicks any time it is needed.

Use Checkeeper features when you reconcile your in-house payment records with bank statements

· Run reports of checks created within a designated time frame to align with other financial statements.

· Compare the list of check payments from Checkeeper to the listed transactions on bank statements and other payment documents.

· Look for discrepancies in balances, payment details, and amounts in order to fix errors or correct over/underpayments.

· Examine statements and reports to see if balance and amount discrepancies are caused by unexpected bank fees, penalties, or transactional charges.

And remember: Checkeeper does not charge hidden or surprise fees for heavy account usage. One monthly subscription covers unlimited checks printed, with no unexpected add-ons or surcharges, even if you use the Checkeeper templates to print hundreds of checks from different checking accounts.

Regular account reconciliation helps businesses owners catch errors, avoid late fees, find missing payments, spot fraud, and gain greater financial insight into the business’s spending. Checkeeper has been used by hundreds of thousands of small business owners, bookkeepers, payroll managers, and individuals for printing and mailing high-quality, professional checks on demand from anywhere. Checkeeper’s automatic recording of check transactions in a secure, online registry means that no created check—or its payment information—is omitted, incorrectly entered, or lost. Use the online registry, powerful search options, and comprehensive reporting options to stay on top of your business’s spending to stay informed of where your money is going.