Recording check transactions is a vital part of good financial management, but it takes time and can be prone to error—especially when all data is input manually. While putting off some of the recording and data entry for later may sometimes seem necessary, it also increases the likelihood of neglected bookkeeping, omitted records, and inaccurate balances. Checkeeper offers online check printing and mailing services that do all the recording for you.
Think you may not need that? Consider some key benefits of having all your check details recorded and stored for you automatically in Checkeeper. Automatic recording:
Researching a missing or disputed payment can take a lot of time, especially when records are not synced and readily available. Checkeeper offers 24/7 remote access to your account and online registry so that payments can be researched on demand. Reconcile your monthly and quarterly spending quickly and easily, and search for any check printed according to any field on the check—including the custom fields you add yourself.
Running regular financial reports is important to managing your cash flow, tracking expenses, preparing taxes, forecasting growth, and staying informed about where your money is going. Checkeeper makes it simpler than ever to run a report on your check registry and pull up a complete, partial, or time-specific list of checks printed and mailed. Use Checkeeper reporting features to align your check payment records with all your other financial and bank statements.
Checkeeper’s automated platform enables users who manage more than one business, client, or checking account to access all their check templates from one consolidated dashboard. Add as many new businesses as needed within your Administration tab, and toggle back and forth between them when you need to issue payments for multiple businesses or bookkeeping clients. Each added business incurs its own subscription cost and terms and comes with its own automated check registry. When you need a list of checks issued by a particular business, or you need to research a specific payment, you will appreciate the separation of check registries for each linked business so that you don’t have to sort out which payments were for which business and invoice. Each business added to the Checkeeper account will also have its own saved check templates, uploaded logos and images, user permission settings, and assigned software integrations. Consolidate your access while still keeping the check reports and check registries separate from one another.
Recording all your entries yourself is a process prone to error. Common checkbook recording errors eliminated by Checkeeper automated registries include: omissions of checks printed, inaccurate dollar amounts, out-of-sequence check numbers, incorrect dates or payees, and accidentally duplicated entries. Checkeeper’s online check registry automatically records the details of each check created, and a full list of issued checks can be searched, reviewed, or printed at any time in only a matter of clicks.
Time spent on bookkeeping is likely time you’d rather spend doing something else, but cutting corners or neglecting to record transactions leads to cash flow and budget problems later. Checkeeper’s automatic online check registry records and stores the details of each check created so that users don’t have to. Spend less time managing financial ledgers and updating check registries by letting Checkeeper do it for you.
Cloud-based online tools make financial management a more streamlined and accurate process by providing busy professionals with access to accounts from wherever they work. Checkeeper’s check templates, account settings, mailing services, and online check registry are all accessible through universal, online access that travels where you do. Authorize additional users or a virtual bookkeeper to issue payments and keep track of every transaction initiated through online access that does not depend on manual updating or physical registries and ledgers for accuracy.