7 Occasions You May Want to Export Your Check History

Your Checkeeper account is more than just a check-creating tool; it is also a secure registry of all check payments issued, easily searched by any check field for optimal financial organization. To find a check, search by payee, amount, date, check number or even the memo. Checkeeper also logs when checks were created and by whom (if you have multiple authorized users). Need to see a large group of checks created in your account? Checkeeper offers easy instructions on how to access and export your check registry when needed.

7 occasions you may want to export your Checkeeper check registry:

1. You want an up-to-date record of payments

Your Checkeeping registry gives you a detailed overview of checks created since you opened your account. If you need a full summary of all payments up to the moment, you can export your complete record in a CSV file.

2. You are closing the books for the year

As your fiscal year comes to a close, having a record of check payments issued makes reconciling your accounts a simple, streamlined task. It also allows comparisons to last year's financial transactions to give you a better overall picture of your company's financial management year-to-year.

3. You need to analyze spending patterns so that you can make adjustments

If you’re experiencing a setback or having trouble sticking to your budget, an overview of your spending will be a necessary step in helping you identify problems. Accessing your check registry will give you a clear statement of where your money is going so that you can issue cutbacks where necessary.

4. You spot a discrepancy in your accounts payable

Even though your bookkeeping is meticulous, there are times when the numbers just don’t add up. If your bank statement for the month or the list of charges made to your accounts does not reconcile automatically with what you expect, a clear list of issued check payments within a limited date range can help you save time finding the missing money. Checkeeper allows you to specify a wide or narrow range of dates by which to access your check history.

5. You want to isolate business expenses for tax preparation

As you prepare your tax filings, you will need a record of your yearly business expenses and the documentation for their payments. You don’t want to miss out on eligible deductions. A complete check registry record will remind you of things you paid for by check and give you the necessary dates and amounts you’ll need for accurate filing.

6. You have multiple bank accounts to reconcile

One great feature of Checkeeper is that it allows you to create unlimited checks from unlimited linked accounts. If you’re working with multiple accounts, there may be times you need to compare balances and transactions to make sure deposits and withdrawals are coming from and going to the right places.

7. You want a backup file

Your Checkeeper account offers an easy-to-search registry that keeps track of all checks issued and their transaction details. Export and print your check history for times you need a hard copy of check payments on hand for you or your staff to consult or file.

Checkeeper keeps it simple

Checkeeper’s comprehensive registry search means that you can call up a record of check details any time, searched according to any check field. But when you need to export your entire check registry to get a fuller picture of your transactions, Checkeeper could not have made it easier. Log in, click “Reports,” specify your dates, click “Download.” A simple, user-friendly graphic tutorial can walk you through the steps to receiving a complete CSV file for checks created within your account. A few seconds is all it takes.