An Embarrassing Checkeeping Story to Learn From

When I needed to pay a security deposit by check or money order, I got a little overwhelmed. I didn’t have a check book and thought a money order would be the simplest solution. I knew about Checkeeper but figured I could just do it the old-fashioned way.

I went to Publix to get my money order. Instead of just one they printed out three different money orders for my total amount. I thought I would give them the information and they would fill it out for me, but I ended up needed to fill out the money order myself.

When I got back to my car, I thought I had a pen in my purse, but I didn’t. I realized I needed an envelope too. I had to drive all the way back home to fill out all three money orders with a pen and borrow an envelope from my roommate.

Then I had to drive 20 minutes (40 minutes round trip) in CRAZY traffic to the office to drop off the envelope. I realized instead of taking 2 hours out of work, I could have stayed at home and easily filled out a check online with Checkeeper in 5 minutes and they would have printed and mailed the check for me.