Stay on Track With Payments Through the Coronavirus

In these "uncertain" times, the need to make our monthly payments is as certain as ever. But many companies still don't accept electronic payment, and there are some of us who aren't yet comfortable leaving home or walking into a crowded bank or post office. Whether you're feeling under the weather yourself, or you simply don't have the time or desire to drive to your local bank or post office, you'll likely benefit from Checkeeper's payment services through Covid-19 and beyond.

Write Checks Without Ever Leaving Your Home

With Checkeeper's template editor, you can write checks online without ever leaving your home, and the design opportunities are endless. Choose from different fonts, backgrounds, even upload your own images--all from your phone or computer without ever leaving your home.

Once you've finished writing your check in the template editor, you're ready to print. And with Checkeeper, you can stay home for this part, too. Just go to your registry, click "Create New Check," and print away. You don't even need any special paper or fancy ink. Our software is designed to allow check printing on plain copy paper for anyone, and from anywhere.

Or Let Us Print and Mail Your Checks for You

With Checkeeper's fulfillment services, all you need to do is upload your checks, and we’ll print and mail them so you don’t have to. That means no more licking, stamping, or waiting in line at a crowded post office.

Oh, and we’ll mail them out the very same day you submit them. With high-security check stock and MICR toner. Through USPS First Class.

Whether you want to write and print checks from your own home, or you'd rather let us take care of all that for you, Checkeeper might be the right fit for you. No more going to the bank to buy checks, no more waiting in line at the post office. If you're interested in checking the better way, visit to start your free 14-day trial today.