Color Logos on Every Check

Every month thousands of businesses start up all across the country, but in just the last year, we’ve witnessed a surge in new business openings that far outpaces that of previous years. According to Census statistics, applications for new businesses rose substantially during the summer of 2020 and the spring of 2021. The job losses and economic uncertainties we faced over the last year have surely played a large role in the sudden rise of entrepreneurship, as have the growing demands from workers for more job flexibility. As more and more people leave their jobs to go into business for themselves, the need to make your brand stand out has never been more important. But how can each new business become visible in a such a large sea of other new or similar companies? With so many new small businesses out there, how can you make your brand more noticeable and memorable than that of your competitors?

Create a Logo that Makes Your Company Noticeable and Memorable

One of the crucial tools for promoting brand awareness is your company logo. While recognizable logos appear simple, the most effective ones are the result of creative and thoughtful design planning. Some things to consider in your logo:

· It should be simple in design and format.

· It should look professional, not too DIY.

· It should be something that stands out and will be remembered after only a glance.

· It should be unique and not too similar or reminiscent of another brand.

· It should speak relevantly to your type of business so that the connection between your logo and your products is not confusing to consumers.

While some people choose to design their own business logos, a bit of caution should be considered here. If you aren’t a graphic designer and have never designed a professional logo before, you may want to consult a professional so that you get a quality custom design that stands out but isn’t overly trendy. You want your logo to stick with your business for a long time to establish brand recognition, so you don’t want to risk hastily designing a logo that will need to be redesigned in a year or two. If you do decide to come up with your own, search for logo-creating software that can deliver a professional, high-resolution design.

Color is an important feature in an effective logo. Choose colors that stand out, grab attention, and generate an emotional response that resonates with your product.

Incorporate your logo into all aspects of your marketing. That means placing it on every pertinent piece of business communication, including your checks.

Why should you include a business logo on every check?

Business checks are marketing tools.

Consistency is important in marketing your brand. Do you send checks frequently? Do you send them to the same people, companies, or vendors repeatedly? Just as your logo would appear on your company letters, business cards, and other communication documents—thereby reinforcing brand awareness—your logo should appear on your checks.

Business checks are communication tools.

Though they have a designated financial purpose, checks are documents that communicate just like any other type of business contract. In this case, they communicate a relationship (payor to payee) and they communicate dollars. Memorable logos on your checks that are seen repeatedly will associate your brand with money.

Business checks can be elements of a larger branding strategy.

All of your business documents—paper and virtual—work in tandem to communicate your brand. Your company website is often the first and most common “face” with which your customers come into contact, so it is imperative your color logo appear on each page of your website, as well as on the mobile version. Your paper documents typically contain your logo as well; neglecting to include your logo on your business checks creates a missed opportunity to build cohesion and reinforce your brand.

Since your logo appears in color on your website, business cards, and marketing materials, it should ideally appear in color on your checks. The Checkeeper template allows you to upload your company’s color logo and create a customized business check that compliments your overall brand marketing while communicating the extra level of professionalism that makes your business stand apart from the rest.